4 Easy Methods For Generating Leads Online

Ever wonder how companies can generate hundreds of highly responsive leads every day?

With these 4 easy techniques you can start generating highly responsive and targeted leads that convert like crazy…

1./ Lead capture pages

The most effective and easy method to obtaining good quality leads is to install a lead capture page on your website. You should offer the visitor of your website an incentive to entering their contact information into your lead capture page. Some people offer service discounts, others provide a free newsletter or ebook for subscribing. Make sure the lead capture form is prominently displayed in high traffic areas of your website. Enticing your website visitors to enter their contact information is the fastest method to building your list.

2./ Leads through social media

If you have not yet signed up for a Facebook or Twitter account for your business/website do so immediately. Social networking has quickly become an incredible tool for websites and businesses alike to stay in contact with prospects and customers. Accept all friend requests and utilize the networking features of these websites to spread your brand and offers. While these “contacts” are not directly subscribed to your newsletter you can utilize social networking as a tool to help users take the next step to subscribing to your list, blog, or newsletter.

3./ Tell-A-Friend leads

In addition to lead capture pages, tell-a-friend forms are also extremely effective. After you have provided a visitor or subscriber to your list with a free product, free download, or helpful offer make sure you suggest that they tell a friend about what they just received. Prominently display a tell-a-friend form and sit back as your visitors help you contact additional potential customers.

4./ Leads through blogging and newsletters

Offering value to your website visitors or blog subscribers is extremely important. Periodically ask your readers to tell their colleagues or friends about your blog or newsletter. Offer a convenient method of allowing your readers to recommend your blog/newsletter via email or social networking. Think of your subscriber base as an army of sales people who will go to bat for you if they feel like they are getting high quality value and content from your blog/newsletter.

Looking for an easy method of adding leads to your newsletter or autoresponder? We offer double opt-in fresh leads delivered on a daily basis. Try our service for free and receive up to 30 free leads per day. Click here to learn more

Jump start your email campaigns with safe high quality targeted leads. Plus access more free lead generating tips. Click here for more information


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